using-ms-vcpp-with-gnu-win article

J. Grant jg-lists at
Tue Feb 25 08:47:05 CST 2003


Eric Pouech wrote:
> Dan Kegel wrote:
>> was just mentioned at
>> Yup, I've been doing this, and the author is right: the
>> commandline tools show off a few rough edges of Wine.
>> As more people start using them, maybe we'll get them
>> smoothed off (e.g. my fix to wcmd the other day to keep
>> it from stripping off switches too zealously)...
> if I look at the issues:
> - filename conversion (including #include to lowercase) => wine maker 
> handles this

Although wine supports this, it was bad coding that created this 
problem, so wine is not at fault here.

> - passing file names on command line (DOS vs UNIX paths) => wine 
> requires DOS paths to work in all cases
> - inheriting in wine environment vars from DOS => either convert them as 
> Unix vars, or use the yet to be committed in wcmd

This would be good to have.  Also [Enviroment Variables] in 
~/.wine/config  would be better IMO.

> - compilation time: maybe linked to process startup (I don't see a need 
> of lots of synchronization issues in cl.exe, but who knows)

Has there been much progress regarding this file access speedup? This 
most likely imacted my results results.

> - complaints on wcmd (which in fact apply to wineconsole) are mostly 
> fixed (patches are committed, need to be applied) (=> size modification, 
> clipboard corruptions)
> - the console creation at wcmd startup should we removed when run under 
> wineconsole (but, this would be rather annoying for some users). I have 
> a patch for this, but it would mean that there are two ways of running 
> wcmd: 'wineconsole wcmd /switch_for_no_new_console' or 'wcmd' (for using 
> a brand new console)
> - TRACE messages while running cl => does someone have a copy of those ?

In my only "SetConsoleCtrlHandler" fixme atm.

[now3d at now1g iainlib]$ wine -- d:\\vs\\vc98\\bin\\nmake.exe /fiainlib.mak
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x780109f8,1) - no error checking 
or testing yet

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

No configuration specified. Defaulting to iainlib - Win32 Debug.
         cl.exe /nologo /MLd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D 
"_WINDOWS" /Fp".\Debug\iainlib.pch" /YX /Fo".\Debug\\" /Fd".\Debug\\" 
/FD /c .\c\app.c
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x4062f6,1) - no error checking or 
testing yet
         cl.exe /nologo /MLd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D 
"_WINDOWS" /Fp".\Debug\iainlib.pch" /YX /Fo".\Debug\\" /Fd".\Debug\\" 
/FD /c .\c\appname.c
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x4062f6,1) - no error checking or 
testing yet
         cl.exe /nologo /MLd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D 
"_WINDOWS" /Fp".\Debug\iainlib.pch" /YX /Fo".\Debug\\" /Fd".\Debug\\" 
/FD /c .\c\callswis.c
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x4062f6,1) - no error checking or 
testing yet
         cl.exe /nologo /MLd /W3 /GX /Z7 /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D 
"_WINDOWS" /Fp".\Debug\iainlib.pch" /YX /Fo".\Debug\\" /Fd".\Debug\\" 
/FD /c .\cpp\winmisc.cpp
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x4062f6,1) - no error checking or 
testing yet
         link.exe -lib @E:\nma11720.
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x40d860,1) - no error checking or 
testing yet

> - msvcrt lookup (native/builtin) => fixed in CVS
> so, I don't think the situation is so bad:
> - a bunch of real bugs, which have been mostly fixed
> - a need for a bit more of documentation for this type of needs

Agreed, Wine is great for this sort of stuff!



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