using-ms-vcpp-with-gnu-win article

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Wed Feb 26 14:12:58 CST 2003

>> if I look at the issues:
>> - filename conversion (including #include to lowercase) => wine maker 
>> handles this
> Although wine supports this, it was bad coding that created this 
> problem, so wine is not at fault here.
if you have portability in mind, yes you should have your #include be 
case dependant... but it's not always the case

>> - compilation time: maybe linked to process startup (I don't see a 
>> need of lots of synchronization issues in cl.exe, but who knows)
> Has there been much progress regarding this file access speedup? This 
> most likely imacted my results results.
no real progress since then... but there's been some patches around for 
buffering read file operations, which may help in your case

> In my only "SetConsoleCtrlHandler" fixme atm.
which is in fact half of a fixme

> Agreed, Wine is great for this sort of stuff!
but we can make it even better... thanks for the reports anyway


Eric Pouech

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