Window menu

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Tue Jan 7 22:18:47 CST 2003

"Duane Clark" <dclark at> wrote:

> Well, just as a bit of info, the window does not appear to have a 
> caption; either in Windows or Wine. The menu pops down when the mouse is 
> slid to the very top of the window, and no other border decoration shows 
> ever. Here is the call that does it, which is a call directly from the app.
> 08072f68:Call user32.CreateWindowExA(00040000,004bc998 
> "menuWndProc",40582b38 
> "",80000000,00000000,00000000,00000280,00000013,00010023,000000c8,00400000,00000000) 
> ret=00414c77
> trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx "" "menuWndProc" ex=00040000 style=80000000 
> 0,0 640x19 parent=0x10023 menu=0xc8 inst=0x400000 params=(nil)

You are right, I stand corrected. Another tiny bits added to my test program show
that in order to have a menu, window is not required to have a caption in Win32.

But test for WS_CAPTION still should be fixed.


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