MS OLE questions

Christian Costa titan.costa at
Tue Jul 8 06:22:44 CDT 2003

Message du 08/07/03 12:45 
>De : Mike Hearn 
>A : wine-devel at 
>Copie à : 
>Objet : MS OLE questions 
>Hi all, 


>Thirdly, why does MSOLE use hidden windows for communication? I've come 
>across lots of gnashing of teeth in OLE/DCOM forums about this, people 
>wondering why their app (and sometimes the whole system!) deadlocks if 
>they don't service the message queue in threads that use OLE. Windows 
>has had other forms of IPC for years, I can't see the logic behind using 
>the limited and broken message passing scheme for it.

IFAIK, this is how apartments are implemented and this comes from Windows 3.1.


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