Named Pipe patch

Mike McCormack mike at
Tue Mar 4 14:37:26 CST 2003

Hi Alexandre,

Well, we need to support :

* peeking on a message
* switching between message and byte mode at any time
* reads that stop after reading a single message from a queue even if
   there's more data
* interfacing to possibly remote named pipe ends

After reading the unix(7) man page, it seems they are close to what we 
want... however I'm not sure that we can do switching between message 
and byte mode properly.

Unix DGRAMS are apparently reliable and order preserving, so at least 
that isn't a problem.


Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> Could you explain this a bit more?  Why can't you use a datagram socket
> for message mode?  I think we really want to avoid doing I/O through
> the server, our I/O is already slow enough as it is...

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