Widl Fixes

Ove Kaaven ovek at arcticnet.no
Mon Mar 17 03:33:27 CST 2003

lør, 2003-03-15 kl. 13:35 skrev Jon Griffiths:
> Hi,
> --- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no> wrote:
> > Could you explain the reason behind the last line, "Don't dump
> > full struct/enum definitions in prototypes", since this shouldn't
> > happen in any case.
> The following idl file, "foo.idl", cut down from my oleidl.idl for
> example purposes:
> ---------------------------------
> import "objidl.idl";
> interface IOleClientSite;
> interface IOleObject;
> [
>   object,
>   uuid(00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046)
> ]
> interface IOleObject : IUnknown
> {
>   typedef IOleObject* LPOLEOBJECT;
>   HRESULT DoVerb(
>     [in] LONG iVerb,
>     [in] struct tagMSG* lpmsg,
>     [in] IOleClientSite* pActiveSite,
>     [in] LONG lindex,
>     [in] HWND hwndParent,
>     [in] LPCRECT lprcPosRect);
> }
> ---------------------------------
> Produces as its output when run with -b -h:
> struct IOleObject: IUnknown {
>     virtual HRESULT CALLBACK DoVerb(
>         LONG iVerb,
>         struct tagMSG {
>             HWND hwnd;
>             UINT message;
>             WPARAM wParam;
>             LPARAM lParam;
>             DWORD time;
>             POINT pt;
>         }* lpmsg,
>         IOleClientSite* pActiveSite,
>         LONG lindex,
>         HWND hwndParent,
>         LPCRECT lprcPosRect) = 0;

Oh I see now... struct tagMSG is defined in an imported idl file so it
won't be written out while processing ocidl, and thus t->written remains
FALSE even though it's properly defined. The best way to solve this
would still be to ensure that t->written is TRUE, by changing the
parser.y line

if (!parse_only) write_typedef($$, $4);

into something that will still set the "written" field of the type (and
its embedded structures) even if parse_only is true (and similarly with
the enumdefs, structdefs, uniondefs, and interfacedefs, probably). A new
parameter to write_type/write_typedef which inhibits writing anything to
the header but still sets "written", for example... would that work?

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