Inserting banner in signature / on website ?

Jeremy Newman jnewman at
Fri Mar 21 00:09:38 CST 2003

> Your banner idea seems to be a good idea to promote CodeWeavers
> and Wine in a general manner.
> Could you give code to insert it in a mail signature or on a website ?

Hmmm, sure I can code something up real quick. I'll look into it tomorrow
and get back to you. I'm not sure what the normal method of including it is.
I imagine an <iframe> tag with the src pointing at a PHP script on the web
server which loads one of the random ads.

 _  _ WebGeek/SysAdmin CodeWeavers -=
| \| |_____ __ ___ __  __ _ _ _    -=
| .` / -_) |  | / '  \/ _` | ' \   -= mailto:jnewman at
|_|\_\___|\_/\_/|_|_|_\__,_|_||_|  -= ICQ: 1711553 Yahoo: laxdragon

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