WineHQ redesign - going live soon

Jeremy Newman jnewman at
Tue Mar 25 13:44:28 CST 2003

OK, I believe the site is ready to go live now. If you want any changes
this is your last change to get them in.

I need anyone who is available to go through the site and look for bad
links, bad grammar, and any HTML anomalies.

I plan to get the site live at 4pm CST today. In the meantime I'm going
to work on any requests.

 _  _ WebGeek/SysAdmin CodeWeavers -=
| \| |_____ __ ___ __  __ _ _ _    -=
| .` / -_) |  | / '  \/ _` | ' \   -= mailto:jnewman at
|_|\_\___|\_/\_/|_|_|_\__,_|_||_|  -= ICQ: 1711553 Yahoo: laxdragon

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