Bugzilla Upgraded

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sat May 17 15:28:23 CDT 2003

Sylvain Petreolle wrote:
> A better alternative would be not to show the email at all, not even in
> obfuscated style. no email shown at all, only names => no robots.

No, the robots would still be there, potentially querying the heck
out of the database and causing slowdowns for real users
(as I said in the part you snipped out, openoffice.org's issuezilla
is seeing this happen).  While I agree that obscuring email addresses
is something that should be done, it doesn't help with the
load placed on the query engine by robots blindly following
canned query links like those on http://kegel.com/openoffice
without regard for the robot exclusion protocol.
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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