Bultin OCX?

Andreas Mohr andi at rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de
Fri May 30 03:56:39 CDT 2003


On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 06:20:11PM +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
> > Err, we are trying that. 
> Hmm, you want to create an Explorer clone as well? MS Paint? What I
> meant was, it's not necessary to recreate every aspect of Windows the
> desktop. Windows the platform yes, maybe.

Naah, probably not an Explorer clone (unless we need a special one to support
Wine-specific features, that is, and even that could be done instead by asking
a well-established Explorer clone to support these Wine enhancements...)

We're talking about *system* parts, and the relatively widely used Winsock
OCX DEFINITELY falls under that category.
(together with several other important OCXes in windows/system/)

> > And a standard winsock OCX falls uder the
> > "to be done" category for me.
> Ok, cool. I'd guess it's like MFC, nice to have but as apps usually ship
> with it, not critical. But if somebody is going to write it, then that's
> great :)
Yep, it's sort of an "enhancement", since the native Winsock OCX
should hopefully work with our own builtin Winsock DLL,
so no need to write something here and now.
(although it'd be cool to have it here and now, of course!)
However if this OCX does NOT work with our Winsock, then please yell

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
Tel. +49 7159 800604                http://mohr.de.tt

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