wineoss message queue patch

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Fri Nov 7 13:36:30 CST 2003

> The current implementation places commands before headers in
> the between thread queue.  This is wrong.  For example, if you
> submit 10s worth of headers to the between thread queue and
> immediately send a reset command, the reset command is
> placed at the head of the queue and will be the first thing read
> by the audio thread from the queue.  The reset command has to
> return the headers to the application with the done bit set.  
this what code at lines 1277-1290 is supposed to do, isn't it ?

what wodPlayer_Reset do (when call with reset to TRUE) is:
1/ flush all data in OSS buffers
2/ mark all player thread wavehdr:s as done and return them
3/ mark all pending commands (which should all be wave headers) as done 
and return wave headers
which is the process you describe.

Eric Pouech

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