Descrepancy between Windows and GLIBC version of [v]snprintf

Uwe Bonnes bon at
Wed Nov 26 11:45:44 CST 2003

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Gehriger <gehriger at> writes:

    Daniel> Hi, I found a problem with the _snprintf() / _vsnprintf()
    Daniel> Under Windows: 0000000001**** Under Wine: 000000000 When
    Daniel> compiled on Linux: 000000000

There are more such subtile discrepancies. Only when applications rely on
that, wine should be fixed. Consider rewriting your test for the wine
regression test suite, comment it with the problem showing that problem and
send a patch.

Uwe Bonnes                bon at

Institut fuer Kernphysik  Schlossgartenstrasse 9  64289 Darmstadt
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