Crypt32 - CryptProtectData

Thomas Brix Larsen killar at
Sun Nov 30 08:17:55 CST 2003

Hi list,
I've been trying to get the application "Skype" (
working in wine. But it complains about that it can't locate the
function CryptProtectData, which MSDN says belongs to crypt32.dll.
I've been trying to implement this function as a stub.

By adding this to crypt32/main.c:

BOOL WINAPI CryptProtectData(DATA_BLOB* pDataIn, LPCWSTR szDataDescr,
DATA_BLOB* pOptionalEntropy, PVOID pvReserved, void* pPromptStruct,
DWORD dwFlags, DATA_BLOB* pDataOut)
    return FALSE;

I know the args aren't correct but I had a problem with
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT*, which isn't implented, so I just replaced
with void*.

I added:
@ stdcall CryptProtectData(ptr wstr ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
to crypt32.spec

But, the app still says it can't locate CryptProtectData, so what needs
to be done?

My worst enemy gave me a copy of Windows...

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