Uninstaller uses wrong icon

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at wanadoo.fr
Sat Oct 4 00:27:42 CDT 2003

> Yes. Would be intersting to get these to compile on Windows as
> well, by doing something reasonable where we need Wine stuff.
> Maybe we at least get them to build, if not run (avitools, winedbg,
> wineconsole should also be able to run on Windows).
as a target:
+ winedbg should be compilable on windows (except for the ELF support 
part) => it should work as another debugger
+ I don't think it's worthwile for wineconsole (it heavily relies on the 
wine server for getting all it's content, and won't work under windows). 
So, I'd drop this as a target


Eric Pouech

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