winetests: new addition

Jakob Eriksson jakov at
Thu Oct 23 09:48:37 CDT 2003

Rolf Kalbermatter wrote:

>You mean something like this:
>(Stolen shamelessly and a little modified fror SHELL_DeleteDirectory in shlfileop.c)
>#define IsDotDir(x)     ((x[0] == '.') && ((x[1] == 0) || ((x[1] == '.') && (x[2] == 0))))
>static BOOL removeDir(LPCSTR dir)
>  BOOL ret = TRUE;
>  HANDLE  hFind;
>  WIN32_FIND_DATAA wfd;
>  CHAR path[MAX_PATH];
>  /* Make sure the directory exists before going further */
>  PathCombineA(path, dir, "*");
>  hFind = FindFirstFileA(path, &wfd);
>    return ret;
>  do
>  {
>    LPSTR lp = wfd.cFileName;
>    if (!lp[0])
>      lp = wfd.cAlternateFileName;
>    if (IsDotDir(lp))
>      continue;
>    PathCombineA(path, dir, lp);
>    if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & wfd.dwFileAttributes)
>    {
>      ret = removeDir(path);
>    }
>    else
>      ret = DeleteFileA(path);
>  } while (ret && FindNextFileA(hFind, &wfd));
>  FindClose(hFind);
>  RemoveDirectoryA(dir);
>  return ret;

I have set myself up for embarrassment.  :-)
Yes, I tried to clone abovementioned code. Did not even succeed doing that.
Also figured it was silly to clone functionality already in any not 
totally unreasonably
outdated version of Windows.


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