winetest.exe no results

Eric Pouech pouech-eric at
Wed Sep 17 15:37:25 CDT 2003

> at line 121 c.X and c.Y are set to 0 and line so I would expect that the
> output should be at the TOP-RIGHT corner of the screen. 
0,0 is TOP LEFT. 79,0 is TOP RIGHT.

 > However what I am
> seeing is that the ouput for this is showing up at the TOP-LEFT (less 3)
> corner of the screen.
if you mean here TOP-RIGHT-3, then this looks like the next 
> So I see abc at the top right hand corner of the screen and the test is
> locked up under Windows 9x. Pressing CTRL-C allows the test to continue.

>>agreed. My point was that I could some other tests in console.c to fail
>>under win98, but not this one.
>>Does the same behavior happens if you redirect the output to a file
>>instead of printing it on screen
> I have attached the results of the test that I ran like so:
> kernel32_crosstest.exe console > results.txt
> I get the same results if I run it in a DOS box  or Full Screen. From the
> results and behavior of the test I have to wonder what is the actual value
> of c.Y.
since abcdef appears in the output file, it means that maybe win98 
doesn't open CONIN$ the same way NT does. This would suggest CONIN$ 
actually opens the standard output stream to the process (in your case 
redirected to file result.txt), even if it should open the output stream 
to the console attached to the processus.
Does the test behaves the same if you comment out the first two 
CreateFileA in START_TEST(console) ?

Eric Pouech

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