[dx82] Recode all the lights support

Michael Günnewig MichaelGuennewig at gmx.de
Tue Sep 30 06:29:54 CDT 2003

Jason Edmeades <us at the-edmeades.demon.co.uk> writes:

> Changelog
> MaxActiveLights means number of concurrent lights, but any number can
> be set up. Change support for lights into a linked list and only set
> up an equivalent gl light when the light is enabled.
> Jason
> PS If this causes any regressions please let me know. I have tested it
> as far as possible and havent seen anything wrong with it.

When trying to playing "The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal" version
1.4.1313 german I get now the following fixme's:

fixme:d3d:IDirect3DDevice8Impl_LightEnable Light enabled requested but light not defined, so defining one!

Now the cone's of the lights are visible on surfaces near a
source. Looks better now, but the known issues (body texture missing,
crash after a while) still persists.


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