dlls/kernel/console.c::SetConsoleCtrlHandler() cleanup/fixup

Jakob Eriksson jakov at vmlinux.org
Sun Apr 18 10:52:59 CDT 2004

Paul Millar wrote:

>Each build is identified by its time/date stamp (e.g.  
>winetest-20040418-1000.zip).  There's a fair number of different files 
> winetest-<date>.zip        - zip compressed version of winetest.exe
> winetest-<date>.zip.cookie - the md5sum of winetest.exe (sort of)
> winetest-<date>.zip.sig    - detached GPG signature of the .zip file
> winetest-<date>.exe        - UPX compressed version of winetest.exe
> winetest-<date>.exe.cookie - same as .exe.cookie
> winetest-<date>.exe.sig    - detached GPG signature of the .exe file

Thank you, thank you, thank you! :-)


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