RFH: winetest testing

Henk Poley hpoley at dds.nl
Thu Apr 22 13:43:03 CDT 2004

Ferenc Wagner wrote:

> Henk Poley <hpoley at dds.nl> writes:
>> The thing halted at the :input stuff (yes, I know, known
>> bug), so the report was never sent. I waited 15 minutes or
>> so, so the 2 minutes timout should have happened if it was
>> just 'stuck' somewhere.
> Now that's strange.  It may sound lame, but wasn't the
> timeout dialog simply obscured by something else?  It
> happened with me a couple of times...

Tested it again, it was/is the user32:dialog test that halts (known bug). It
is 'running' for 10 minutes now...

        Henk Poley <><

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