MDI fix attempt

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Tue Apr 27 01:51:21 CDT 2004

"Krzysztof Foltman" <kfoltman at> wrote:

> > Then perhaps you have a +relay trace which exposes a problem and could
> > write a simple test app based on that information?
> Run it on Windows (I've tested in under XP), run it under original WINE, 
> run it under WINE+my patch. Compare the Window menus with 0, 1 and 2 
> child items.
> It's supposed to have two dummy items (Dummy option 1 and Dummy option 
> 2), as well as normal child window list (with separator if any child 
> exists, with no separator if there are no children).
> Under original WINE (mdi.c from the latest CVS, the rest is one or two 
> days old), the Dummy option 2 mysteriously disappears. Just try to 
> create a child window and look at the Window menu.

Thanks, now I see the problem. I'll try to figure out whether a less
intrusive fix exists.

> And BTW, my app is silly and badly written. I've compiled it with mingw, 
> as I don't have VC++ at home. I hope noone cares.

Not at all! Your app is an excellent sample app.


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