#pre5 - comdlg32 MS_VC + PSDK porting

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at rogers.com
Tue Jan 6 08:47:18 CST 2004

On January 4, 2004 01:39 pm, Steven Edwards wrote:
> 1. Can we please fix winnt.h line 175? This #define NONAMELESSSTRUCT
> thing is wrong. It breaks building on the PSDK and w32api. I have not
> be able to find any thing about it in Microsofts documentation or
> headers. If we removed support for it its going to break GCC 2.8.xx but
> if someone is on 2.8 its time to upgrade.

Alexandre, let's just get rid of the NONAMELESSSTRUCT support,
it just causes problems, and the benefit is a bit dubious. Any
interesting compiler will probably be compatible with either
msvc or gcc or both. Should I look at creating a patch?


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