shell32 patches to be usable by ReactOS Explorer

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Sun Jan 11 10:52:57 CST 2004

On January 11, 2004 08:04 am, Martin Fuchs wrote:
> This patch consists of a number of changes we implemented in the ReactOS
> CVS tree in order to use Wine's shell32.dll implementation for ReactOS
> explorer. Please see the following changelog lists for the individual patch
> descriptions:

Martin, sending a bunch of patches compressed and in one message,
makes them almost unreviewable but by the most die hards readers
of wine-patches. It also makes it so much more difficult for
Alexandre to split them up, match the ChangeLog, review them, etc.
Please stick to one-(uncompressed, inlined)-patch-per-email-messsage
rule, it's so much better for everybody. Here are some relevant links:


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