psapi.dll tests

Uwe Bonnes bon at
Thu Jul 1 11:39:19 CDT 2004

>>>>> "Ferenc" == Ferenc Wagner <wferi at> writes:

    Ferenc> Hi, please somebody enlighten me!  How does this test work once
    Ferenc> psapi_test.exe is linked with -lpsapi?  How can a program start
    Ferenc> at all without one of its hard dependencies?

    Ferenc> START_TEST(module) { dll = LoadLibrary("psapi.dll"); if (!dll) {
    Ferenc> trace("LoadLibraryA(psapi.dll) failed: skipping tests with
    Ferenc> target module\n"); return; }

    Ferenc> The above seems to be a common idiom which I don't understand as
    Ferenc> opposed to using GetProcAddress and invoking functions through
    Ferenc> pointers.  What am I missing here?  -- Feri.

If the library is already loaded, LoadLibrary returns the HModule of the
already loaded module, to my knowledge...

Uwe Bonnes                bon at

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