HKEY_DYN_DATA in win9x

Robert Reif reif at
Wed Jul 7 20:05:58 CDT 2004

Mike Hearn wrote:

>Isn't that Plug'n'Play/hardware information? We may need to just fill out
>a few dummy entries.
>On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 18:30:12 -0400, Robert Reif wrote:
>>I have a program that fails when it can't find HKEY_DYN_DATA\Config 
>>in the registry.  Any pointers on where to start?
Where and how.  It looks like wine/misc/registry.c _allocate_default_keys
is creating HKEY_DYN_DATA\PerfStats but adding code for a new key doesn't
get called.  How and when does this code get called.

I added HKEY_DYN_DATA support to regedit and I can see PerfStats but
I can't see the key I added.

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