winetest timeout question

Ferenc Wagner wferi at
Tue Jul 20 02:02:59 CDT 2004

Robert Reif <reif at> writes:

> Has anyone considered changing the timeout logic to be reset
> every time something is printed?  This would allow long tests
> that periodically output something to run more than 2 minutes.
> Timeout would only occur 2 minutes after the last output.

Yes, that was the original idea.  However, output
redirection problems forced me to implement it the simple
way.  Basically, I couldn't make the same code work on
WineLib and Windows.  You can look at the related threads in
the archive to get more precise information.  I think the
most sensible option would be to fix Wine so that
redirecting Windows HANDLES has an effect on the libc
filehandles, or change the testing framework so that it
outputs through the Win32 API, not through the printf family
in libc.  That would also fix the present msvcrt
inconsistency (the msvcrt tests' output doesn't get
redirected under WineLib).  But don't take my word on it,
I'm talking from faint memory.  Unfortunately I can't tell
when I will have the time to do serious work on this.

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