tests: safe MAPI init

Jon Griffiths jon_p_griffiths at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 22 04:48:50 CDT 2004


> Windows XP Professional, in a network with roaming profiles
> served by Samba.  I don't know what is relevant.

Strange, I'd have assumed you'd have an extended mapi client
installed by deault. What is your default mail client?

> OK, sending you off-list.

Thanks. I'll have a look at this.

> Well, test_PropCopyMore() has four direct references IIRC.
> You may or may not want to "fix" it (like the IMPORTS).

That should prbably be fixed eventually, yes.

>  The long for loop in test_ScCountProps(void) is probably an
> overkill, too: if it happens to produce output in every
> iteration, it gets too big.

Yes, it should probably bail at the first error; that should be easy
to change. I'm rather busy with work ATM but when I get a day off
I'll look at fixing these (and digging out the rest of the mapi code
I haven't submitted yet).


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jon_p_griffiths at yahoo.com

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