building COM client/server with proxy using winelib & widl?

Mike Hearn mike at
Fri Jul 23 06:33:18 CDT 2004

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 08:28:16 +0200, Jeroen Janssen wrote:
> Apparently I'm missing some #defines in wine's rpcproxy.h in order to be 
> able build the proxy/stub dll?
> For instance:

Yes, our rpcproxy.h is missing quite a few important defines ... for my
hello world COM server I just used the header from the platform SDK.
> It seems that these defines are present in the rpcproxy.h included with
> MinGW?
> I googled for it and found
> On a side note can widl generate proxy/stub code yet? --- Jeroen Janssen

No, it generates something that *looks* like proxy/stubs but closer
inspection reveals there's no marshalling code there. You'll need to use
MIDL or hack on WIDL.

thanks -mike

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