Scrollbars, an application bug or a wine regression ? (#2314)

Nicolai Kuntze g-8 at
Sat Jul 24 12:28:04 CDT 2004

Am 24.07.2004 um 16:34 schrieb Dmitry Timoshkov:

> "Nicolai Kuntze" <g-8 at> wrote:
>>> Today I got some modified code snipplet:
>>>  case WM_PAINT:
>>>  BeginPaint( hwnd, &MalInfo);
>>>  EndPaint( hwnd, &MalInfo);
>>>  HDC hdc= GetDC( hwnd);
>>>  BitBlt( hdc, 0, 20, doublebuffersize.right-doublebuffersize.left,
>>>, doublebufferHdc, 0, 0,
>>>  SRCCOPY);
>>>  ReleaseDC( (HWND)ViewGetHWND(), hdc);
>>> I hope this helps.
> No, that doesn't help.

I thougth this ...

>> I have done some debugging. I use the native comctrl.dll. So the error
>> must be in the gui part of wine. The calls of the software are all OK,
>> but the scrollbars were not shown. Is it possible that wine does not
>> recognize that the bitmap is greater than the window? Where can I look
>> for it?
> Are you sure that your app really regressed and had not shown the same
> behaviour before my scrollbar fixes?
No I am not sure but I think this is no regession. I think there is an 
error in the detection in the heigth of the bitmap. But I don't khow 
where to start to search the error. can you give me a  hint? The 
downloadeable archive ( is still 
there. There is also a readme discribing my problem. (I already said 
this...) Can you please have a look at this. As far as I can see all 
calls of BitBlt and CreateWindowEx and so on are correct implemented in 

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