Munge /r and /n in HTTP_HttpSendRequestA

Rolf Kalbermatter rolf.kalbermatter at
Mon Mar 15 00:58:47 CST 2004

Uwe Bonnes <bon at> wrote:

>This makes Xilinx webupdate.exe see the Servicepack 
>+	else
>+	    /* remove \r and \n*/
>+	{
>+	    int nLen = strlen(lpwhr->lpszPath);
>+	    while ((lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen-1] == '\r')||(lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen-1] == '\n'))
>+	    {
>+		nLen--;
>+		lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen]='\0';
>+	    }

Mmmh, what happens if the passed in path would only exist of \r\n? A for or while loop
without a guaranteed termination condition always seems suspect to me. I guess this
would crash with an access violation, and most probably overwrite a few bytes of memory
with 0 before that happens. Not good I think although I think it couldn't be effectively
exploited as buffer overrun!

   while (nLen > 0 && ((lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen-1] == '\r') || (lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen-1] == '\n')))

might be the better solution. Though I still wonder about the [nLen-1] in above term.
It seems [nLen] instead would be actually the right thing to do here which would make it 

   while (nLen >= 0 && ((lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen] == '\r') || (lpwhr->lpszPath[nLen] == '\n')))

Rolf Kalbermatter

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