urlmon: Implement FindMimeFromData

Mike Hearn mike at navi.cx
Thu Mar 18 10:54:43 CST 2004

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 11:38:58 -0500, Kevin Koltzau wrote:
> Here is an implementation of FindMimeFromData, based off of MSDN
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/networking/moniker/overview/appendix_a.asp

Hmm, I'm not sure we should maintain this ourselves. A better approach
might be to use the freedesktop shared-mime-data system, which already has
scanners for a huge range of mime types in a format we can parse and
implement in Wine - I think there is a shared library we could use too.

This seems more straightforward than replicating all that work as there's
bound to be mime types reported incorrectly or not at all, and debugging
that doesn't sound fun.

thanks -mike

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