3/4 patches for compilation of ATL & MFC

Boaz Harrosh boaz at hishome.net
Sun Mar 21 10:14:57 CST 2004

Alexandre Julliard wrote:

 >The i64 suffix is not portable.

Boaz Harrosh wrote:
>oops the wrong file.
>I do need it with "LL" (real 64bit constant).
>If you want it protected by an ifdef. Is there an long long ifdef done 
>by configure? .. OK I'll look for it and send a fix.

include/config.h (done by configure?) has an "HAVE_LONG_LONG". Now what should I do in msvcrt/limits.h. should I:
#include <config.h>
or the user should include it in files before limits.h

both options look bad to me.

Free life

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