Fixes for default WM_GETMINMAXINFO values

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Tue May 4 09:18:19 CDT 2004

"Dmitry Timoshkov" <dmitry at> wrote:

> this patch fixes default window extents passed in MINMAXINFO structure
> to a window. Now some picky applications are able to correctly size their
> child windows.
> Changelog:
>     Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at>
>     - Maximized windows have no thick frame, it's changed to a border.
>     - Take into account WS_CAPTION style when calculating default values.
>     - MDI child windows receive slightly adjusted values for a maximized
>       state.

Alexandre, please ignore this patch. It's not entirely correct.
I'm investigating the problem further.


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