Help Porting Application To Linux

MIKEL CARRASCO mcarrasco at
Thu May 6 02:49:33 CDT 2004

Hi all,
A few weeks ago we sent the following message to the Wine newsgroup at
Usenet and we were told that it was better to send it here, so here it goes:

We are trying to port an application from Windows to Linux. This application
is clearly divided in two parts: the first one is the graphic interface,
which makes an intensive use of COM, MFC, databases and other MS Windows
technologies; the second is the application's "kernel" (nothing to do with
the Linux kernel), which carries out all the processing. This "kernel" has
been created using mostly plain C.

The project needs to be done quite quickly so we've been thinking of using
Wine to speed up the process of porting. Thus, we would run the graphic
interface using Wine, while we would compile our application's kernel in
Linux and it would run as a normal Linux process. In fact we have already
managed to run the GUI using wine and it seems to work (more or less). We
have compiled most of the kernel too.

The main problem we are facing is communication between the GUI and the
kernel. Under Windows we do so by means of shared memory (CreateFileMapping,
...) and we don't know very well how to do it in Linux. We have done some
tests with Winelib and it seems like we are getting something.

However, later on we need our kernel to run as a real time task by means of
RTAI, and we don't know if that is even possible with Wine/Winelib. Anybody
knows if such a thing is possible?

If that's not feasible, I guess we will have to go look how Wineserver
works, so we can make our own XXXFileMapping functions to call them from our
application's kernel and let us have access to Wineserver's services. But we
don't know wether this is posible or if it would be a good solution to our

Another possible solution we've been thinking of is to tweak the Wineserver,
so it does the file mapping the way we want (place in memory, format, etc.)
and we can read/write it from our application's kernel using plain C

Can anybody help us, please? Which one do you think would be the best

Thank you very much for your help.

Mikel Carrasco
I + D Software.
Fagor Automation S. Coop.
P. O. Box 144
E-20500 Mondragón-Arrasate
Tel. ++34 943 71 92 00 
Fax. ++34 943 79 17 12

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