No RichEdit20A window class

Duane Clark dclark at
Sun Nov 28 12:45:50 CST 2004

Krzysztof Foltman wrote:
> Mike McCormack wrote:
> ...
>> so long as you are the sole author.
> That's where part of the problem is: as long as someone sends me just a 
> "Ctrl-arrow" patch, I can always be suspected of stealing that patch. It 
> puts me in a very uncomfortable position.

Perhaps a suggestion... ask that for some period of time, people who 
submit patches against your code do so under a BSD or X11 license. Wine 
itself was under an X11 style license for quite a few years, so that 
probably won't scare too many people off. Be specific (and reasonable) 
about the period of time, though.

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