d3drs_wrap[0-7] ???

N. Dahn N.Dahn at gmx.de
Thu Oct 21 14:43:34 CDT 2004

Hopefully this isnt the case, and according to this
i have luck for this time i think. :) Comments?

Okay, i think i got one step further: on gamedev.net i found the
suggestion to use glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_WRAP_U/V/W,
wrapParm). Besides, could this also be an 3D Texture? I think I worked
it out and im going to try it out now, but theres one thing bothering
me: as mentioned earlier in d3d there exists the d3dwrapcoord_3 flag
which wraps textures through the 4th dimension (that should be time).
However, i was unable to find _anything_ going into that direction in
opengl so i stubbed it out for now. Does anybody know how to proceed
with this? 

BTW, is there a way to figure out what an undocumented function does?
(namely d3drs 172 and 173)


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