wine 1019 build fails at wine_marlett.sfd

sean seandarcy at
Thu Oct 21 22:15:07 CDT 2004

I'm trying to buid wine-10192004. I've installed fontforge-10142004. The wine build fails here:

fontforge -script ../fonts/genttf.ff wine_marlett.sfd
Copyright (c) 2000-2004 by George Williams.
  Executable based on sources from 10:52 14-Oct-2004.
FontForge used to be named PfaEdit.
make[1]: *** [wine_marlett.ttf] Segmentation fault

This not a machine error. The sigsegv happens if I execute this command in the build directory.

Before that i get:

fontforge -script ../fonts/genttf.ff wine_courier.sfd
Copyright (c) 2000-2004 by George Williams.
  Executable based on sources from 10:52 14-Oct-2004.
FontForge used to be named PfaEdit.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../libs/unicode:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ../tools/sfnt2fnt wine_courier.ttf 13 1252 96 128
../tools/fnt2fon wine_courier-1252-96-13.fnt wine_coure.fon
Wine Courier 10 pts 96x96 dpi
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../libs/unicode:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ../tools/sfnt2fnt wine_courier.ttf 13 1250 96 128
../tools/fnt2fon wine_courier-1250-96-13.fnt wine_couree.fon
Wine Courier 10 pts 96x96 dpi
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../libs/unicode:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ../tools/sfnt2fnt wine_courier.ttf 13 1251 96 128
Missing glyph for char 0402
Missing glyph for char 0403
Missing glyph for char 0453
Missing glyph for char 0409
Missing glyph for char 040a

Thanks for any help.


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