Listview notify_dispinfoT Messageformat

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Sat Oct 30 12:31:24 CDT 2004

On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 09:28:33PM +0100, Robert Shearman wrote:
> To summarise: *all* common control notifications should be sent in the 
> same format (ANSI/Unicode) as their parent (except if overriden by the 
> CCS_SETUNICODEFORMAT message). It should not be based on the message 
> sent to the control.

Just to be 100% clear:
  -- what do you mean by "in the same format as their parent"?
     From your patch, it seems that:
	1. In WM_CREATE, we have to query the notify format as such:

  infoPtr->hwndNotify = lpcs->hwndParent;
  infoPtr->notifyFormat = SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT,
                                       (WPARAM)infoPtr->hwndSelf, (LPARAM)NF_QUERY);

	2. Handle WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, by querying the parent again:

  infoPtr->notifyFormat = SendMessageW(hwndFrom, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, (WPARAM)infoPtr->hwndSelf, NF_QUERY);

        3. When sending notifications, convert to ASCII iff infoPtr->notifyFormat == NFR_ANSI

     If so, this is what we had before Aric did this change:
     What was wrong with the code before? It tried to send the notification
     in the format specified by infoPtr->notifyFormat. The dependance on
     the the type of message that was sent to the control is just to do
     the conversion when we have to. That is:

            fmt-of-msg-sent-to-ctrl     infoPtr->notifyFormat       conversion-required
               !isW (ASCII)                    NFR_ANSI                   no
                isW (Unicode)                  NFR_ANSI                   yes
               !isW (ASCII)                    NFR_UNICODE                yes
                isW (Unicode)                  NFR_UNICODE                no

     The old code looked as isW only to determine if any conversion was required
     (which I think you have to), but the format of the actual notification was
     strictly determined by infoPtr->notifyFormat:

     if (infoPtr->notifyFormat == NFR_ANSI)
         realNotifCode = get_ansi_notification(notificationCode);
         realNotifCode = notificationCode;
     bResult = notify_hdr(infoPtr, realNotifCode, (LPNMHDR)pdi);

     So, what was wrong with the original code?

  -- CCS_SETUNICODEFORMAT message: this is a flag, not a message, no? If so, what is
     its semantics? If set, we have to ignore infoPtr->notifyFormat, and always send
     notifications in Unicode format?

It's important to figure this one once and for all, so that we can fix all the
controls properly.


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