Scrollbars and scrollwheel: -fomit-frame-pointer problems

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at
Fri Sep 3 07:27:43 CDT 2004

> Heh, I always find it hard :)

Well, my example was on code generated for ARM which is unreadable when the
complier saves the frame pointer :-)

> If your disassembly-fu is up to it, be my guest ... that doesn't solve 
> the problem of mysterious crashes for people using/compiling Wine today 
> though. So I'd still vote for a configure check.

I agree with the configure check (we already have one for the bug Eric found
about a strength-reduce bug). On the other hand, the whole point of Open
Source is helping each other and if we just say 'oh well, it's easier for us
to just remove the optimisation flag' and forget the issue, it's an
opportunity lost to improve GCC.


		 Lionel Ulmer -

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