Wine Developer Cheatsheet, v1

Mike Hearn m.hearn at
Mon Sep 6 05:02:33 CDT 2004

> Yes. It is useful for printing large strings that would otherwise 
> overflow the static buffer and for strings that contain non-ASCII 
> characters.

I stand corrected (thanks to Uwe as well).

> I also finder easier to read functions that have all the variables 
> declared at the top of each block. Don't know the type of a variable? 
> Then scan the top of each block - no need to look at any lines in between.

Ah, I use the semantic package for emacs to help with this. If you leave 
the cursor on a variable for a few moments the declaration appears in 
the echo area. Very nice.

I still tend to prefer having variables declared closest to where 
they're used, but you could equally say that if a function is so big the 
distance is really causing problems it probably should be split up and 
made smaller.

> One additional niggle: temp_in and temp_out aren't terribly good 
> variable names.

Indeed. I try and keep variables and functions to one word, where 
possible. Obviously clarity is more important though ...

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