DirectX compatability testing -- RFC results for running a specific program

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at
Wed Sep 15 02:15:58 CDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 01:42:07PM +1200, Belxjander Serechai wrote:
> Ive got a small (can be transported on floppy disk) program that
>   has a major and drastic result effect when run on a "pure" Wine only
>   installation against both Xfree86 4.4.0 + Xorg 6.7.0,
> "Oh My Goddess - Smash The Bugs" ... I am curious as to anyone else
>   Acquiring and testing this program against another installation.

Well, if the program is freely redistributable, you can raise a bug on
Bugzilla and link to where we can download this program.

As for the bug, it is bound to be a bug either in X or in the kernel / setup
as Wine is a pure user-space program and should NEVER bring down a machine
(except, of course, if we want bug for bug compatibility like doing a BSOD
with a 3 lines DDraw program I once wrote :-) ).


		 Lionel Ulmer -

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