RFC: more Windows-NT like user directories?

Mike Hearn m.hearn at signal.QinetiQ.com
Wed Sep 22 03:53:09 CDT 2004

> No, it can't do that, you have no way of knowing which links were
> autodetected and need to be updated, and which ones have been
> explicitly set by the user and must not be touched.

Hmm. We could have a magic marker file ~/.wine/dosdevices/.auto.d: for 
instance, but that'd be a bit ugly.

In future it'd be nice to notice when the fstab has changed and rerun 
the auto-detect procedure automatically, so the user can plug in a USB 
key, have HAL set things up automatically, then run their Wine program 
and have it appear in the file dialogs.

To do that, we'd need to be able to non-destructively update the drive 

> Most things should be moved straight to HKLM/Software/Wine; there are
> some exceptions for things that we want to take the opportunity to
> fix, or for things that will no longer be part of the config. But I
> don't think any of these are handled by winecfg at the moment; things
> like DllOverrides and x11drv will be moved unchanged to
> HKLM/Software/Wine.

OK, that's great, exactly what I wanted to hear :)

thanks -mike

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