Accept WM_SYSCHAR message for processsing in TranslateAcceleratorW

Rein Klazes rklazes at
Wed Sep 22 05:18:24 CDT 2004

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 19:54:57 +0900, you wrote:

> Hello,

Hi Dmitry,

This patch is causing a regression in Agent (still existing in current

If I use <alt>+W to access the Windows menu the program reacts as if I
pressed just the 'W'. This is also an accelator key causing the current
thread to be 'Watched'. Same thing with <ALT>+H, it should bring up the
help menu. Now it causes the headers to display, normally behind the 'H'
<ALT>-E works normal, probably because the 'E' is not accelerated. 

> this patch makes accelerator keys in my test MDI app (compiled with MSVC)
> work under Wine. The problem is that Wine correctly generates WM_SYSKEY*
> and WM_SYSCHAR messages when there is no focus window, but WM_SYSCHAR
> is not considered by TranslateAcceleratorW as a valid input.

Uhh, "The problem is that Wine correctly generates ...". Do you mean
this is a hack?

BTW. Your other patch "Make message flow for MDI ..." fixes the problem
with maximized/restored MDI windows in Agent, thanks.

Rein Klazes
rklazes at

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