How to deal with C++ APIs in wine spec file

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Sep 30 07:48:59 CDT 2004

Jia L Wu (jwu at wrote:
> I have to write a spec file so that a winelib application can use a third
> party dll. The problem is that APIs in third party dll are written in C++.
> As c++ names and parameters are mangled, how can i call them in spec file?
> For example, how can I call a class constructor (which is built form
> another class) in spec file? Can anyone provide me an example? Thanks.

Did you know that MSVC and g++ have completely incompatible C++
name mangling?  In other words, you can only call third party C++ dlls
if you're compiling with MSVC, as far as I know.  And you can't
compile winelib apps with MSVC, since MSCV only generates Windows
apps, not Linux apps.  So you may be out of luck.  Can you
write a windows app rather than a winelib app?  If so, then you
are in business; you can even build it on Linux (by running msvc under wine,
which I do fairly often).
- Dan

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