Out-of-tree compilation and running

Detlef Riekenberg wine.dev at web.de
Sun Apr 10 04:46:38 CDT 2005

On Mi, 30.03.2005, 23:04 +0100 Paul Millar wrote in wine-patches:

> I've tested this with an in-tree and out-of-tree compilation.  Seems to work OK
> for me in both cases.

I'm working at wineprefixcreate also and while looking at your Patch, i
found a race-condition when the user started wineprefixcreate:

wine.inf is searched first in "$datadir" and then in "$srcdatadir".

"$datadir" is "from the binary wine-tree" when wineprefixcreate was
called with "--use-wine-tree" but it could also come from "the installed
wine-version", when the option "--use-wine-tree" was not used. 

wine.inf could be from a different wine-version in this case!

my modifications are: 

before parsing the options:

+  topdir=""
+  srcdatadir=""

while parsing "--use-wine-tree":
-                 datadir="$topdir/tools"

and later: 

# Copy the .inf script and run it
if [ -n "$topdir$srcdatadir" ]
 for dir in "$topdir" "$srcdatadir"; do
  if [ -n "$dir" -a -e "$dir/tools/wine.inf" ]; then
    cp "$dir/tools/wine.inf" "$CROOT/windows/inf/wine.inf"
    cp "$datadir/wine.inf" "$CROOT/windows/inf/wine.inf"

I moved srcdatadir one dir-level up to use the same level as "$topdir"
and to make my life more easy, because i need
"$srcdatadir/documentation/samples/config" for my patches.

Sorry, no diff here because I changed much more in my version. 
(Bug 2844 and Bug 2845).

by by ...
      ... Detlef

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