No subject

Tue Aug 30 17:20:58 CDT 2005

Windows knows about. There was some speculation on exactly how and when they
differ. For example, what type of filesystem is reported on DVD's? Tony
summed it up:

So we The way I see it Windows knows about the following file systems. CDFS,

HPFS is irrelevent. 
CDFS covers all CD like Media. 
FAT will deal with all drives less that 2 GB. 
NTFS can be used with drive over 10MB. 
FAT32 can be ignored. 


I just figured that you should know that the best bet would be to have wine
return vfat instead of fat or ntfs, as fat == fat16 which has a 2 GB limit,
while vfat == fat32 which has a 4 GB limit..  This is actually referenced on
microsoft's website (although I couldnt give you the exact address) and can
also be found on thru google..

As always I'm not subscribed to the list, so please CC me with any replies..

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