[shell32tests/shelllink.c] Use aliases for ordinals

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Wed Feb 16 06:06:24 CST 2005


Paul Vriens wrote:
> I've looked with PEExplorer on my win2k system and I can't see them in
> the exported list by name.
> After adding a alias for SHILCreateFromPath I was able to compile the
> crosstest.
> The test (shell32_crosstest.exe) failed however with a message stating
> that ILFree and, after I've added an alias for that one, ILISEqual were
> not exported by shell32.dll.
> 21/28/155 and 162 are exported as ordinals by shell32.dll (version
> 5.0.3900.7009) on Windows 2000 Professional.

Ok, that would be a good reason.
There's something I don't understand though: when I compile the test 
before your changes with Visual C++ 6.0 it compiles just fine but it 
turns out the resulting executable imports these three APIs by ordinal.

Is this something that MinGW can / should do too?
And for the Winelib side of things, is this something that winebuild can do?

Francois Gouget
fgouget at codeweavers.com

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