Can winedbg --auto backtrace all threads?

Michael Ost most at
Fri Jan 28 15:09:26 CST 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 12:58, Eric Pouech wrote:
> IMO, the cleanest way would be to add an option (like the --command in gdb) 
> which would execute commands out of a file (almost everything is in place, you 
> just need to pass the name of the file in the call to parser() in winedbg.c). 
> Then, set up the aedebug registry to something where you execute the proper 
> commands for your specific settings

OK. I'll take a look at it. So to mirror --auto's output, but include a
backtrace of all threads, my debugger commands file would be:

info reg
info stack
info share
bt all

Is that right? ... mo

PS: thanks for that 'bt all' command. It's not in the winedbg man page
and will save me a lot of typing when I use winedbg in the future.

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