setup_exception nested exception on signal stack

Jose Alberto Reguero jareguero at
Wed Jul 6 13:47:23 CDT 2005

El Miércoles, 6 de Julio de 2005 20:07, Robert Shearman escribió:
> Jose Alberto Reguero wrote:
> >I had the foloowing error when I run a program:
> >warn:seh:setup_exception exception outside of stack limits in thread 000c
> > eip 7bed9651 esp 7f9510f4 stack 0x7f950000-0x7fa50000
> >err:seh:setup_exception nested exception on signal stack in thread 000c
> > eip 7bed99fd esp 7ffffcd0 stack 0x7f950000-0x7fa50000
> >Any Idea?
> Looks like a crash inside an exception handler. Use the +seh debug
> channel or run in winedbg to see the source of the problem.

I atach the log.
Jose Alberto
-------------- next part --------------
sock_init: shutdown() causes EOF
wineserver: starting (pid=29000)
0008: *fd* (nil) -> 18
0009: *fd* 6 <- 18
0009: init_thread( unix_pid=28997, unix_tid=28997, teb=0x7fffe000, entry=(nil), reply_fd=6, wait_fd=8 )
0009: *fd* 8 <- 19
0009: init_thread() = 0 { pid=0008, tid=0009, boot=1, version=179 }
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7bea0000, size=393216, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd800e0, filename=L"ntdll.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7fca0000, size=917504, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd80180, filename=L"kernel32.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: init_process( peb=0x7beff420, ldt_copy=0xf7fab960 )
0009: init_process() = 0 { create_flags=0, server_start=ed753397, info_size=0, exe_file=(nil), hstdin=(nil), hstdout=(nil), hstderr=(nil) }
0009: *fd* 0 <- 20
0009: alloc_file_handle( access=80100000, inherit=1, fd=0 )
0009: alloc_file_handle() = 0 { handle=0xc }
0009: alloc_file_handle( access=40100000, inherit=1, fd=1 )
0009: *fd* 1 <- 21
0009: alloc_file_handle() = 0 { handle=0x10 }
0009: *fd* 2 <- 22
0009: alloc_file_handle( access=40100000, inherit=1, fd=2 )
0009: alloc_file_handle() = 0 { handle=0x14 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=52, name=L"DynData\\PerfStats\\StatData", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18, created=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=54, name=L"DynData\\Config Manager\\Enum", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18, created=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18, created=1 }
0009: load_user_registries( hkey=0x18, saving=0, period=0 )
0009: load_user_registries() = 0
0009: create_file( access=00000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000000, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000000, filename="/dev/sda3" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x1c }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x1c -> 23
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x1c, flags=0, mask=0, fd=6 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=6 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=62, name=L"Machine\\HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=22, name=L"Scsi Port 1", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x24, created=1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x24, type=1, namelen=12, name=L"Driver", data={61,00,74,00,61,00,70,00,69,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x24, type=4, namelen=40, name=L"FirstBusTimeScanInMs", data={0a,00,00,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=6, flags=0 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x24, type=4, namelen=20, name=L"DMAEnabled", data={00,00,00,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: create_key( parent=0x24, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=20, name=L"Scsi Bus 0", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28, created=1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x28, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=32, name=L"Initiator Id 255", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x2c, created=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x2c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x28, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=22, name=L"Target Id 0", class=L"" )
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x2c, created=1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x2c, type=1, namelen=8, name=L"Type", data={43,00,64,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,50,00,65,00,72,00,69,00,70,00,68,00,65,00,72,00,61,00,6c,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x2c, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"Identifier", data={57,00,69,00,6e,00,65,00,20,00,43,00,44,00,52,00,4f,00,4d,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x2c, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"DeviceName", data={43,00,64,00,72,00,6f,00,6d,00,30,00} )
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x2c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x24 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=6 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: boot_done( debug_level=8 )
0009: boot_done() = 0
0009: open_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, name=L"Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment" )
Open key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18 }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=0, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "ComSpec"="c:\\windows\\system\\wcmd.exe"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=68, namelen=14, name=L"ComSpec", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,5c,00,77,00,63,00,6d,00,64,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=1, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "PATH"="c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=66, namelen=8, name=L"PATH", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,3b,00,63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=2, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "ProgramFiles"="c:\\Archivos de programa"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=72, namelen=24, name=L"ProgramFiles", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,41,00,72,00,63,00,68,00,69,00,76,00,6f,00,73,00,20,00,64,00,65,00,20,00,70,00,72,00,6f,00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6d,00,61,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=3, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "SYSTEMROOT"="c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=42, namelen=20, name=L"SYSTEMROOT", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=4, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "TEMP"="c:\\windows\\temp"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=40, namelen=8, name=L"TEMP", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,70,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=5, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "TMP"="c:\\windows\\temp"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=38, namelen=6, name=L"TMP", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,70,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=6, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "USERPROFILE"="c:\\windows\\profiles\\root"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=72, namelen=22, name=L"USERPROFILE", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,70,00,72,00,6f,00,66,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,73,00,5c,00,72,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=7, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "windir"="c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=34, namelen=12, name=L"windir", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=8, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "winsysdir"="c:\\windows\\system"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=54, namelen=18, name=L"winsysdir", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=9, info_class=1 )
0009: enum_key_value() = NO_MORE_ENTRIES { type=0, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", data={} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=0, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "ComSpec"="c:\\windows\\system\\wcmd.exe"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=68, namelen=14, name=L"ComSpec", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,5c,00,77,00,63,00,6d,00,64,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=1, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "PATH"="c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=66, namelen=8, name=L"PATH", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,3b,00,63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=2, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "ProgramFiles"="c:\\Archivos de programa"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=72, namelen=24, name=L"ProgramFiles", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,41,00,72,00,63,00,68,00,69,00,76,00,6f,00,73,00,20,00,64,00,65,00,20,00,70,00,72,00,6f,00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6d,00,61,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=3, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "SYSTEMROOT"="c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=42, namelen=20, name=L"SYSTEMROOT", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=4, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "TEMP"="c:\\windows\\temp"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=40, namelen=8, name=L"TEMP", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,70,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=5, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "TMP"="c:\\windows\\temp"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=38, namelen=6, name=L"TMP", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,70,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=6, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "USERPROFILE"="c:\\windows\\profiles\\root"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=72, namelen=22, name=L"USERPROFILE", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,70,00,72,00,6f,00,66,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,73,00,5c,00,72,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=7, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "windir"="c:\\windows"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=34, namelen=12, name=L"windir", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=8, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment value "winsysdir"="c:\\windows\\system"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=54, namelen=18, name=L"winsysdir", data={63,00,3a,00,5c,00,77,00,69,00,6e,00,64,00,6f,00,77,00,73,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x18, index=9, info_class=1 )
0009: enum_key_value() = NO_MORE_ENTRIES { type=0, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x18, access=000f003f, name=L"Environment" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x18, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x18, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x1c, name=L"ShowDotFiles" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x1c, name=L"ShowDirSymlinks" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=00000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000000, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x18 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x18, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x18 -> 23
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x18, flags=0, mask=0, fd=6 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=6 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000005, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem/eXeem.exe" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x1c }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x24 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x24, access=000f003f, name=L"AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"Version" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe value "Version"="winxp"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=12, data={77,00,69,00,6e,00,78,00,70,00,00,00} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x24 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x1c -> 24
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x1c, flags=0, mask=0, fd=9 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=9 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=80000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=80000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
0009: create_mapping( size_high=0, size_low=0, protect=192, access=000f0005, inherit=0, file_handle=0x1c, name=L"" )
0009: create_mapping() = 0 { handle=0x20 }
0009: get_mapping_info( handle=0x20 )
0009: get_mapping_info() = 0 { size_high=0, size_low=294912, protect=128, header_size=4096, base=0x400000, shared_file=(nil), shared_size=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x20 -> 24
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x20, flags=0, mask=0, fd=10 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=10 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=10, flags=0 }
0009: dup_handle( src_process=0xffffffff, src_handle=0x20, dst_process=0xffffffff, access=00000000, inherit=0, options=2 )
0009: dup_handle() = 0 { handle=0x24, fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=10 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
0009: init_process_done( module=0x400000, module_size=294912, entry=0x42411f, name=0x7beff17c, exe_file=0x1c, gui=1, filename=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\eXeem.exe" )
0009: init_process_done() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=9 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7f760000, size=200704, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd809c0, filename=L"c:\\windows\\system\\advapi32.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7f7b0000, size=450560, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd808e0, filename=L"c:\\windows\\system\\gdi32.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7f840000, size=1114112, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd80800, filename=L"c:\\windows\\system\\user32.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=70, name=L"Machine\\Hardware\\Description\\System", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x1c, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"Identifier", data={41,00,54,00,20,00,63,00,6f,00,6d,00,70,00,61,00,74,00,69,00,62,00,6c,00,65,00,00,00} )
Set key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System value "Identifier"="AT compatible"
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: create_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=44, name=L"FloatingPointProcessor", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\FloatingPointProcessor
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=32, name=L"CentralProcessor", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=2, name=L"0", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28, created=1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"Identifier", data={78,00,38,00,36,00,20,00,46,00,61,00,6d,00,69,00,6c,00,79,00,20,00,36,00,20,00,4d,00,6f,00,64,00,65,00,6c,00,20,00,36,00,20,00,53,00,74,00,65,00,70,00,70,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,20,00,30,00,00,00} )
Set key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "Identifier"="x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 0"
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=1, namelen=32, name=L"VendorIdentifier", data={47,00,65,00,6e,00,75,00,69,00,6e,00,65,00,49,00,6e,00,74,00,65,00,6c,00,00,00} )
Set key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "VendorIdentifier"="GenuineIntel"
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=4, namelen=8, name=L"~MHz", data={9a,08,00,00} )
Set key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "~MHz"=dword:0000089a
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=54, name=L"Control Panel\\International", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\International
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"Locale" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\International value "Locale"="0000040a"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=18, data={30,00,30,00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,30,00,61,00,00,00} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=106, name=L"Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"ComputerName" )
Get key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=8, data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x28, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Network" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x20, type=1, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=36, name=L"ActiveComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=1 }
0009: set_key_value( hkey=0x20, type=1, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} )
Set key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
0009: set_key_value() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000003, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x1c }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=80000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x1c -> 25
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x1c, flags=0, mask=0, fd=9 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=9 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=9 }
0009: create_event( access=001f0003, manual_reset=1, initial_state=0, inherit=0, name=L"" )
0009: create_event() = 0 { handle=0x1c }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=116, name=L"Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Fonts" )
Open key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current\\Software\\Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x28, name=L"LogPixels" )
Get key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current\\Software\\Fonts value "LogPixels"=dword:00000060
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=4, total=4, data={60,00,00,00} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_mutex( access=001f0001, owned=0, inherit=0, name=L"__WINE_FONT_MUTEX__" )
0009: create_mutex() = 0 { handle=0x28 }
0009: select( flags=4, cookie=0x7fa4f144, signal=(nil), timeout=0, handles={0x28} )
0009: select() = 0
0009: open_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Fonts" )
Open key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current\\Software\\Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x2c }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x2c, name=L"FONTS.FON" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x2c, name=L"OEMFONT.FON" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x2c, name=L"FIXEDFON.FON" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x2c )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=14, name=L"Machine", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x2c, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x2c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts" )
Open key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x30 }
0009: enum_key( hkey=0x30, index=-1, info_class=2 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts
0009: enum_key() = 0 { subkeys=0, max_subkey=0, max_class=0, values=1, max_value=0, max_data=2, modif=1120583490, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", class=L"" }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x30, index=0, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts value @=""
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=2, namelen=0, name=L"", data={00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x30, index=1, info_class=1 )
0009: enum_key_value() = NO_MORE_ENTRIES { type=0, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x30 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x30, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Fonts" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"Path" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x2c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes" )
Open key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34 }
0009: enum_key( hkey=0x34, index=-1, info_class=2 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes
0009: enum_key() = 0 { subkeys=0, max_subkey=0, max_class=0, values=18, max_value=25, max_data=40, modif=1120583490, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", class=L"" }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=0, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Arial CE,238"="Arial,238"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=44, namelen=24, name=L"Arial CE,238", data={41,00,72,00,69,00,61,00,6c,00,2c,00,32,00,33,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=1, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Arial CYR,204"="Arial,204"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=46, namelen=26, name=L"Arial CYR,204", data={41,00,72,00,69,00,61,00,6c,00,2c,00,32,00,30,00,34,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=2, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Arial Greek,161"="Arial,161"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=50, namelen=30, name=L"Arial Greek,161", data={41,00,72,00,69,00,61,00,6c,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,31,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=3, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Arial TUR,162"="Arial,162"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=46, namelen=26, name=L"Arial TUR,162", data={41,00,72,00,69,00,61,00,6c,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,32,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=4, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Courier New CE,238"="Courier New,238"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=68, namelen=36, name=L"Courier New CE,238", data={43,00,6f,00,75,00,72,00,69,00,65,00,72,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,2c,00,32,00,33,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=5, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Courier New CYR,204"="Courier New,204"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=70, namelen=38, name=L"Courier New CYR,204", data={43,00,6f,00,75,00,72,00,69,00,65,00,72,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,2c,00,32,00,30,00,34,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=6, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Courier New Greek,161"="Courier New,161"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=74, namelen=42, name=L"Courier New Greek,161", data={43,00,6f,00,75,00,72,00,69,00,65,00,72,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,31,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=7, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Courier New TUR,162"="Courier New,162"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=70, namelen=38, name=L"Courier New TUR,162", data={43,00,6f,00,75,00,72,00,69,00,65,00,72,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,32,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=8, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Helv"="MS Sans Serif"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=36, namelen=8, name=L"Helv", data={4d,00,53,00,20,00,53,00,61,00,6e,00,73,00,20,00,53,00,65,00,72,00,69,00,66,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=9, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Helvetica"="Arial"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=30, namelen=18, name=L"Helvetica", data={41,00,72,00,69,00,61,00,6c,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=10, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "MS Shell Dlg"="Tahoma"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=38, namelen=24, name=L"MS Shell Dlg", data={54,00,61,00,68,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=11, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "MS Shell Dlg 2"="Tahoma"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=42, namelen=28, name=L"MS Shell Dlg 2", data={54,00,61,00,68,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=12, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Times"="Times New Roman"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=42, namelen=10, name=L"Times", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=13, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Times New Roman CE,238"="Times New Roman,238"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=84, namelen=44, name=L"Times New Roman CE,238", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,2c,00,32,00,33,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=14, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Times New Roman CYR,204"="Times New Roman,204"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=86, namelen=46, name=L"Times New Roman CYR,204", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,2c,00,32,00,30,00,34,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=15, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Times New Roman Greek,161"="Times New Roman,161"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=90, namelen=50, name=L"Times New Roman Greek,161", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,31,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=16, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Times New Roman TUR,162"="Times New Roman,162"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=86, namelen=46, name=L"Times New Roman TUR,162", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,2c,00,31,00,36,00,32,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=17, info_class=1 )
Enum key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes value "Tms Rmn"="Times New Roman"
0009: enum_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=46, namelen=14, name=L"Tms Rmn", data={54,00,69,00,6d,00,65,00,73,00,20,00,4e,00,65,00,77,00,20,00,52,00,6f,00,6d,00,61,00,6e,00,00,00} }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x34, index=18, info_class=1 )
0009: enum_key_value() = NO_MORE_ENTRIES { type=0, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\Replacements" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: create_key( parent=0x2c, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=100, name=L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34, created=0 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=68, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38, created=0 }
0009: enum_key( hkey=0x38, index=-1, info_class=2 )
Enum key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts
0009: enum_key() = 0 { subkeys=0, max_subkey=0, max_class=0, values=0, max_value=0, max_data=0, modif=1120675360, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", class=L"" }
0009: enum_key_value( hkey=0x38, index=0, info_class=1 )
0009: enum_key_value() = NO_MORE_ENTRIES { type=0, total=0, namelen=0, name=L"", data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=00010000, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: delete_key( hkey=0x38 )
Delete key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts
0009: delete_key() = 0
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=68, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38, created=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: release_mutex( handle=0x28 )
0009: release_mutex() = 0 { prev_count=00000001 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Drivers" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x34, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7f670000, size=487424, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fdc14a0, filename=L"c:\\windows\\system\\winex11.drv" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x38, access=000f003f, name=L"eXeem.exe\\X11 Driver" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"Desktop" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver value "Desktop"="800x600"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=16, data={38,00,30,00,30,00,78,00,36,00,30,00,30,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"Managed" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"DXGrab" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UseDGA" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UseXVidMode" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UseXRandR" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UseTakeFocus" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UsePrimarySelection" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"ScreenDepth" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"Synchronous" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"ClientSideWithCore" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"ClientSideWithRender" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"ClientSideAntiAliasWithCore" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"ClientSideAntiAliasWithRender" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"DesktopDoubleBuffered" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"UseXIM" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"PrivateColorMap" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"CopyDefaultColors" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"AllocSystemColors" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x34, name=L"InputStyle" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x34, created=0 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x34, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\eXeem.exe\\DllOverrides" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x34 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7ed10000, size=98304, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fdc1670, filename=L"c:\\windows\\system\\imm32.dll" )
0009: load_dll() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEService" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c000 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEReconvertOptions" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c001 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEMouseOperation" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c002 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEReconvertRequest" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c003 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEReconvert" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c004 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEQueryPosition" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c005 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MSIMEDocumentFeed" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c006 }
0009: *fd* 10 <- 25
0009: alloc_file_handle( access=80100000, inherit=0, fd=10 )
0009: alloc_file_handle() = 0 { handle=0x34 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Drivers" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Fonts" )
Open key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current\\Software\\Fonts
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"LogPixels" )
Get key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Hardware Profiles\\Current\\Software\\Fonts value "LogPixels"=dword:00000060
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=4, total=4, data={60,00,00,00} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver\\Fonts" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=00000001, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ScrollWidth" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "ScrollWidth"="16"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,36,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"CaptionHeight" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "CaptionHeight"="18"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuHeight" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "MenuHeight"="18"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: create_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=82, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Temporary System Parameters", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine\\Temporary System Parameters
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x3c, created=1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x40 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x40, name=L"BorderWidth" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "BorderWidth"="1"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=4, data={31,00,00,00} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Shell Icon Size" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "Shell Icon Size"="32"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={33,00,32,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ScrollHeight" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "ScrollHeight"="16"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,36,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ScrollHeight" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "ScrollHeight"="16"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,36,00,00,00} }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"CaptionWidth" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "CaptionWidth"="18"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Mouse" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x40 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x40, name=L"IconSpacing" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x40 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x40, name=L"IconVerticalSpacing" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"SmCaptionHeight" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "SmCaptionHeight"="15"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,35,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"SmCaptionWidth" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "SmCaptionWidth"="13"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,33,00,00,00} }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuWidth" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics value "MenuWidth"="18"
0009: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=6, data={31,00,38,00,00,00} }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Accessibility\\ShowSounds" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Accessibility\\ShowSounds" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=40, name=L"Control Panel\\Colors", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Colors
0009: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38, created=0 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Scrollbar" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x40, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x40 -> 26
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x40, flags=0, mask=0, fd=11 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=11 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x40, access=80000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=11, flags=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x40, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=11, flags=0 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=11 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Background" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ActiveTitle" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"InactiveTitle" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Menu" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Window" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"WindowFrame" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"WindowText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"TitleText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ActiveBorder" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"InactiveBorder" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"AppWorkSpace" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"Hilight" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"HilightText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonFace" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonShadow" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"GrayText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"InactiveTitleText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonHilight" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonDkShadow" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonLight" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"InfoText" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"InfoWindow" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"ButtonAlternateFace" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"HotTrackingColor" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"GradientActiveTitle" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"GradientInactiveTitle" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuHilight" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuBar" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x40 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=8001, style=00000008, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=0, client_ptr=0x7fde0be8 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"Button" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c007 }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c007, style=0000008b, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=12, client_ptr=0x7fde0f10 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c007 )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"ComboBox" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c008 }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c008, style=0000008b, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=4, client_ptr=0x7fde0f58 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c008 )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"ComboLBox" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c009 }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c009, style=00000808, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=4, client_ptr=0x7fde0fa0 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c009 )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=8002, style=00000808, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=30, client_ptr=0x7fde0fe8 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"Edit" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00a }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c00a, style=00000088, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=4, client_ptr=0x7fde1030 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c00a )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=8004, style=00000000, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=0, client_ptr=0x7fde11d0 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"ListBox" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00b }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c00b, style=00000008, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=4, client_ptr=0x7fde1218 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c00b )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"MDIClient" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00c }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c00c, style=00000000, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=40, client_ptr=0x7fde1260 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c00c )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=8000, style=00020808, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=4, client_ptr=0x7fde12a8 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"ScrollBar" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00d }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c00d, style=0000008b, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=20, client_ptr=0x7fde12f0 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c00d )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"Static" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00e }
0009: create_class( local=0, atom=c00e, style=00000088, instance=0x7f840000, extra=0, win_extra=8, client_ptr=0x7fde1470 )
0009: create_class() = 0
0009: delete_atom( table=(nil), atom=c00e )
0009: delete_atom() = 0
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"CaptionFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"IconFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"SmCaptionFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MenuFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"StatusFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: open_key( parent=0x3c, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key ERROR
0009: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
0009: open_key( parent=0x30, access=000f003f, name=L"Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\WindowMetrics
0009: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x38 }
0009: get_key_value( hkey=0x38, name=L"MessageFont" )
0009: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000001, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000080, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/win.ini" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"SysIP" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c00f }
0009: create_window( parent=(nil), owner=(nil), atom=8001, instance=(nil) )
0009: create_window() = 0 { handle=0x10020, extra=0, class_ptr=(nil) }
0009: set_window_pos( handle=0x10020, previous=(nil), flags=00000004, window={0,0;800,600}, client={0,0;800,600}, valid={} )
0009: set_window_pos() = 0 { new_style=96000000 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"__wine_x11_whole_window" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c010 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"__wine_x11_icon_window" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c011 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"__wine_x11_managed" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c012 }
0009: set_window_property( window=0x10020, atom=c010, handle=0x2a00007, name=L"" )
0009: set_window_property() = 0
0009: set_window_property( window=0x10020, atom=0000, handle=0x21, name=L"__wine_x11_visual_id" )
0009: set_window_property() = 0
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"Rich Text Format" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c014 }
0009: add_atom( table=(nil), name=L"GIF" )
0009: add_atom() = 0 { atom=c015 }
0009: *fd* 11 <- 26
0009: new_thread( suspend=1, inherit=0, request_fd=11 )
0009: new_thread() = 0 { tid=000a, handle=0x38 }
000a: init_thread( unix_pid=28997, unix_tid=29001, teb=0x7ecdc000, entry=0x7fd04230, reply_fd=13, wait_fd=15 )
000a: *fd* 13 <- 27
000a: *fd* 15 <- 28
000a: init_thread() = 0 { pid=0008, tid=000a, boot=0, version=179 }
0009: resume_thread( handle=0x38 )
0009: resume_thread() = 0 { count=1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x38 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000a: select( flags=8, cookie=0x7ecddce4, signal=(nil), timeout=1120675378.331202 (-0.000342), handles={} )
000a: select() = TIMEOUT
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0xc, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0xc -> 20
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0xc, flags=0, mask=0, fd=13 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=1, cur_fd=13 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x10, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x10 -> 21
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x10, flags=0, mask=0, fd=16 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=1, cur_fd=16 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x14, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x14 -> 22
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x14, flags=0, mask=0, fd=17 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=1, cur_fd=17 }
0009: create_mutex( access=001f0001, owned=1, inherit=0, name=L"eXeem running mutex" )
0009: create_mutex() = 0 { handle=0x38 }
0009: create_file( access=00000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000000, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem/" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x40 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x40, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x40 -> 29
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x40, flags=0, mask=0, fd=18 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=18 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=6 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000005, create=1, options=00000050, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem/client.dll" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x18 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x18, access=00000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x18 -> 23
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x18, flags=0, mask=0, fd=6 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=6 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x18, access=80000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=6, flags=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x18, access=00000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=6, flags=0 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x18, access=80000000 )
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=6, flags=0 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000003, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x44 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x44, access=80000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x44 -> 30
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x44, flags=0, mask=0, fd=19 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=19 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x44 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=19 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000003, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x44 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x44, access=80000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x44 -> 30
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x44, flags=0, mask=0, fd=19 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=19 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x44 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=19 }
0009: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000003, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem/" )
0009: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x44 }
0009: get_handle_fd( handle=0x44, access=80000000 )
0009: *fd* 0x44 -> 30
0009: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
0009: set_handle_info( handle=0x44, flags=0, mask=0, fd=19 )
0009: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=19 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x44 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=19 }
0009: new_process( inherit_all=0, create_flags=32, unix_pid=29002, exe_file=0x18, hstdin=0xc, hstdout=0x10, hstderr=0x14, info={AllocationSize=1000,Size=626,Flags=0,DebugFlags=0,ConsoleHandle=(nil),ConsoleFlags=0,hStdInput=(nil),hStdOutput=(nil),hStdError=(nil),CurrentDirectory.Handle=(nil),dwX=0,dwY=0,dwXSize=0,dwYSize=0,dwXCountChars=0,dwYCountChars=0,dwFillAttribute=0,dwFlags=0,wShowWindow=0,CurrentDirectory.DosPath=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\",DllPath=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem;.;c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows",ImagePathName=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\client.dll",CommandLine=L"\"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\client.dll\" 0.0 ",WindowTitle=L"",Desktop=L"",ShellInfo=L"",RuntimeInfo=L""}, env=L"KDE_MULTIHEAD=false\0SSH_AGENT_PID=3250\0DM_CONTROL=/var/run/xdmctl\0HOSTNAME=jar.dominio\0TERM=xterm\0SHELL=/bin/bash\0XDM_MANAGED=/var/run/xdmctl/xdmctl-:0,maysd,mayfn,sched,method=classic,auto\0HISTSIZE=1000\0GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/root/.gtkrc-2.0:/root/.kde/share/config/gtkrc\0GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/root/.gtkrc:/root/.kde/share/config/gtkrc\0GS_LIB=/root/.fonts\0WINDOWID=27262983\0OLDPWD=/root\0QTDIR=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3\0KDE_FULL_SESSION=true\0USER=root\0LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:\0SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-BJvsit3196/agent.3196\0KDEDIR=/usr\0SESSION_MANAGER=local/jar.dominio:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3347\0USERNAME=root\0XPSERVERLIST=\0KONSOLE_DCOP=DCOPRef(konsole-3357,konsole)\0DESKTOP_SESSION=default\0MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root\0KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION=DCOPRef(konsole-3357,session-2)\0PWD=/root/.wine/drive_c/Archivos de programa/eXeem\0INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc\0JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_05\0LANG=es_ES.UTF-8\0SHLVL=3\0XCURSOR_THEME=default\0BASH_ENV=/root/.bashrc\0LOGNAME=root\0WINEDEBUG=+seh,+server\0DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-JTMIzFC1fk,guid=fd95cb42b33c71335176588e308a7100\0LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s\0PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig\0DISPLAY=:0\0G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1\0COLORTERM=\0_=/usr/local/bin/wine\0ComSpec=c:\\windows\\system\\wcmd.exe\0PATH=c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows\0ProgramFiles=c:\\Archivos de programa\0SYSTEMROOT=c:\\windows\0TEMP=c:\\windows\\temp\0TMP=c:\\windows\\temp\0USERPROFILE=c:\\windows\\profiles\\root\0windir=c:\\windows\0winsysdir=c:\\windows\\system\0" )
0009: new_process() = 0 { info=0x44 }
000b: *fd* (nil) -> 32
0009: select( flags=4, cookie=0x7fa4f05c, signal=(nil), timeout=0, handles={0x44} )
0009: select() = PENDING
000c: *fd* 6 <- 32
000c: init_thread( unix_pid=29002, unix_tid=29002, teb=0x7fffe000, entry=(nil), reply_fd=6, wait_fd=8 )
000c: *fd* 8 <- 33
000c: init_thread() = 0 { pid=000b, tid=000c, boot=0, version=179 }
000c: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7bea0000, size=393216, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd800e0, filename=L"ntdll.dll" )
000c: load_dll() = 0
000c: load_dll( handle=(nil), base=0x7fca0000, size=917504, dbg_offset=0, dbg_size=0, name=0x7fd80180, filename=L"kernel32.dll" )
000c: load_dll() = 0
000c: init_process( peb=0x7beff420, ldt_copy=0xf7fab960 )
000c: init_process() = 0 { create_flags=32, server_start=ed753397, info_size=5378, exe_file=0x4, hstdin=0x10, hstdout=0x14, hstderr=0x18 }
000c: get_startup_info( )
000c: get_startup_info() = 0 { info={AllocationSize=1000,Size=626,Flags=0,DebugFlags=0,ConsoleHandle=(nil),ConsoleFlags=0,hStdInput=(nil),hStdOutput=(nil),hStdError=(nil),CurrentDirectory.Handle=(nil),dwX=0,dwY=0,dwXSize=0,dwYSize=0,dwXCountChars=0,dwYCountChars=0,dwFillAttribute=0,dwFlags=0,wShowWindow=0,CurrentDirectory.DosPath=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\",DllPath=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem;.;c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows",ImagePathName=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\client.dll",CommandLine=L"\"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\client.dll\" 0.0 ",WindowTitle=L"",Desktop=L"",ShellInfo=L"",RuntimeInfo=L""}, env=L"KDE_MULTIHEAD=false\0SSH_AGENT_PID=3250\0DM_CONTROL=/var/run/xdmctl\0HOSTNAME=jar.dominio\0TERM=xterm\0SHELL=/bin/bash\0XDM_MANAGED=/var/run/xdmctl/xdmctl-:0,maysd,mayfn,sched,method=classic,auto\0HISTSIZE=1000\0GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/root/.gtkrc-2.0:/root/.kde/share/config/gtkrc\0GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/root/.gtkrc:/root/.kde/share/config/gtkrc\0GS_LIB=/root/.fonts\0WINDOWID=27262983\0OLDPWD=/root\0QTDIR=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3\0KDE_FULL_SESSION=true\0USER=root\0LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:\0SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-BJvsit3196/agent.3196\0KDEDIR=/usr\0SESSION_MANAGER=local/jar.dominio:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3347\0USERNAME=root\0XPSERVERLIST=\0KONSOLE_DCOP=DCOPRef(konsole-3357,konsole)\0DESKTOP_SESSION=default\0MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root\0KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION=DCOPRef(konsole-3357,session-2)\0PWD=/root/.wine/drive_c/Archivos de programa/eXeem\0INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc\0JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_05\0LANG=es_ES.UTF-8\0SHLVL=3\0XCURSOR_THEME=default\0BASH_ENV=/root/.bashrc\0LOGNAME=root\0WINEDEBUG=+seh,+server\0DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-JTMIzFC1fk,guid=fd95cb42b33c71335176588e308a7100\0LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s\0PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig\0DISPLAY=:0\0G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1\0COLORTERM=\0_=/usr/local/bin/wine\0ComSpec=c:\\windows\\system\\wcmd.exe\0PATH=c:\\windows\\system;c:\\windows\0ProgramFiles=c:\\Archivos de programa\0SYSTEMROOT=c:\\windows\0TEMP=c:\\windows\\temp\0TMP=c:\\windows\\temp\0USERPROFILE=c:\\windows\\profiles\\root\0windir=c:\\windows\0winsysdir=c:\\windows\\system\0" }
000c: get_console_mode( handle=0x10 )
000c: get_console_mode() = OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH { mode=0 }
000c: get_console_mode( handle=0x14 )
000c: get_console_mode() = ACCESS_DENIED { mode=0 }
000c: get_console_mode( handle=0x18 )
000c: get_console_mode() = ACCESS_DENIED { mode=0 }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x1c, created=0 }
000c: open_key( parent=0x1c, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine
000c: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20 }
000c: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"ShowDotFiles" )
000c: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
000c: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"ShowDirSymlinks" )
000c: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x1c )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_file( access=00000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000000, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/eXeem/" )
000c: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x1c }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x1c, access=00000000 )
000c: *fd* 0x1c -> 34
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
000c: set_handle_info( handle=0x1c, flags=0, mask=0, fd=6 )
000c: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=6 }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
000c: open_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine" )
Open key \\User\\root\\Software\\Wine
000c: open_key() = 0 { hkey=0x24 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: open_key( parent=0x24, access=000f003f, name=L"AppDefaults\\client.dll" )
Open key ERROR
000c: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
000c: get_key_value( hkey=0x24, name=L"Version" )
000c: get_key_value() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { type=-1, total=0, data={} }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x24 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x4, access=00000000 )
000c: *fd* 0x4 -> 23
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
000c: set_handle_info( handle=0x4, flags=0, mask=0, fd=9 )
000c: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=9 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x4, access=80000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x4, access=00000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x4, access=80000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
000c: create_mapping( size_high=0, size_low=0, protect=192, access=000f0005, inherit=0, file_handle=0x4, name=L"" )
000c: create_mapping() = 0 { handle=0x20 }
000c: get_mapping_info( handle=0x20 )
000c: get_mapping_info() = 0 { size_high=0, size_low=2789376, protect=128, header_size=4096, base=0x400000, shared_file=(nil), shared_size=0 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
000c: *fd* 0x20 -> 23
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
000c: set_handle_info( handle=0x20, flags=0, mask=0, fd=10 )
000c: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=10 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=10, flags=0 }
000c: dup_handle( src_process=0xffffffff, src_handle=0x20, dst_process=0xffffffff, access=00000000, inherit=0, options=2 )
000c: dup_handle() = 0 { handle=0x24, fd=-1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=10 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x4, access=00000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
000c: init_process_done( module=0x400000, module_size=2789376, entry=0x698000, name=0x7fa6003c, exe_file=0x4, gui=1, filename=L"C:\\Archivos de programa\\eXeem\\client.dll" )
0009: *wakeup* signaled=0 cookie=0x7fa4f05c
000c: init_process_done() = 0
0009: get_new_process_info( info=0x44, pinherit=0, tinherit=0 )
0009: get_new_process_info() = 0 { pid=000b, phandle=0x48, tid=000c, thandle=0x4c, success=1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x4 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=9 }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=70, name=L"Machine\\Hardware\\Description\\System", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x4, created=0 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x44 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
0009: close_handle( handle=0x18 )
0009: close_handle() = 0 { fd=6 }
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x4, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"Identifier", data={41,00,54,00,20,00,63,00,6f,00,6d,00,70,00,61,00,74,00,69,00,62,00,6c,00,65,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System value "Identifier"="AT compatible"
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: create_key( parent=0x4, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=44, name=L"FloatingPointProcessor", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\FloatingPointProcessor
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
0009: select( flags=4, cookie=0x7fa4f924, signal=(nil), timeout=0, handles={0x48} )
0009: select() = PENDING
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_key( parent=0x4, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=32, name=L"CentralProcessor", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
000c: create_key( parent=0x20, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=2, name=L"0", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28, created=0 }
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=1, namelen=20, name=L"Identifier", data={78,00,38,00,36,00,20,00,46,00,61,00,6d,00,69,00,6c,00,79,00,20,00,36,00,20,00,4d,00,6f,00,64,00,65,00,6c,00,20,00,36,00,20,00,53,00,74,00,65,00,70,00,70,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,20,00,30,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "Identifier"="x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 0"
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=1, namelen=32, name=L"VendorIdentifier", data={47,00,65,00,6e,00,75,00,69,00,6e,00,65,00,49,00,6e,00,74,00,65,00,6c,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "VendorIdentifier"="GenuineIntel"
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x28, type=4, namelen=8, name=L"~MHz", data={9a,08,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0 value "~MHz"=dword:0000089a
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x4 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x4, created=0 }
000c: create_key( parent=0x4, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=54, name=L"Control Panel\\International", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\International
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x4 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"Locale" )
Get key \\User\\root\\Control Panel\\International value "Locale"="0000040a"
000c: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=18, data={30,00,30,00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,30,00,61,00,00,00} }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=106, name=L"Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x4, created=0 }
000c: create_key( parent=0x4, access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
000c: get_key_value( hkey=0x20, name=L"ComputerName" )
Get key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
000c: get_key_value() = 0 { type=1, total=8, data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} }
000c: create_key( parent=(nil), access=000f003f, options=00000000, modif=0, namelen=38, name=L"\\Registry\\User\\root", class=L"" )
Create key \\User\\root
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x28, created=0 }
000c: open_key( parent=0x28, access=000f003f, name=L"Software\\Wine\\Network" )
Open key ERROR
000c: open_key() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { hkey=(nil) }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x28 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x20, type=1, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_key( parent=0x4, access=000f003f, options=00000001, modif=0, namelen=36, name=L"ActiveComputerName", class=L"" )
Create key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName
000c: create_key() = 0 { hkey=0x20, created=0 }
000c: set_key_value( hkey=0x20, type=1, namelen=24, name=L"ComputerName", data={6a,00,61,00,72,00,00,00} )
Skip setting key \\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName value "ComputerName"="jar"
000c: set_key_value() = 0
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x4 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=-1 }
000c: create_event( access=001f0003, manual_reset=1, initial_state=0, inherit=0, name=L"__wine_system_heap_event" )
000c: create_event() = 0 { handle=0x4 }
000c: create_mapping( size_high=0, size_low=16777216, protect=67, access=000f0007, inherit=0, file_handle=(nil), name=L"__wine_system_heap" )
000c: create_mapping() = 0 { handle=0x20 }
000c: get_mapping_info( handle=0x20 )
000c: get_mapping_info() = 0 { size_high=0, size_low=16777216, protect=67, header_size=0, base=(nil), shared_file=(nil), shared_size=0 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
000c: *fd* 0x20 -> 35
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
000c: set_handle_info( handle=0x20, flags=0, mask=0, fd=9 )
000c: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=9 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=00000000 )
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=9, flags=0 }
000c: dup_handle( src_process=0xffffffff, src_handle=0x20, dst_process=0xffffffff, access=00000000, inherit=0, options=2 )
000c: dup_handle() = 0 { handle=0x28, fd=-1 }
000c: create_semaphore( access=001f0003, initial=00000000, max=00000001, inherit=0, name=L"" )
000c: create_semaphore() = 0 { handle=0x2c }
000c: dup_handle( src_process=0xffffffff, src_handle=0x2c, dst_process=0xffffffff, access=00000000, inherit=0, options=-2147483645 )
000c: dup_handle() = 0 { handle=0x544a4deb, fd=-1 }
000c: event_op( handle=0x4, op=1 )
000c: event_op() = 0
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=9 }
000c: create_file( access=80000000, inherit=0, sharing=00000003, create=1, options=00000021, attrs=00000000, filename="/root/.wine/dosdevices/c:/" )
000c: create_file() = 0 { handle=0x20 }
000c: get_handle_fd( handle=0x20, access=80000000 )
000c: *fd* 0x20 -> 36
000c: get_handle_fd() = 0 { fd=-1, flags=0 }
000c: set_handle_info( handle=0x20, flags=0, mask=0, fd=9 )
000c: set_handle_info() = 0 { old_flags=0, cur_fd=9 }
000c: close_handle( handle=0x20 )
000c: close_handle() = 0 { fd=9 }
000c: create_event( access=001f0003, manual_reset=1, initial_state=0, inherit=0, name=L"" )
000c: create_event() = 0 { handle=0x20 }
warn:seh:setup_exception exception outside of stack limits in thread 000c eip 7bed9651 esp 7f9510f4 stack 0x7f950000-0x7fa50000
err:seh:setup_exception nested exception on signal stack in thread 000c eip 7bed99fd esp 7ffffcd0 stack 0x7f950000-0x7fa50000
000c: *killed* exit_code=0
0009: *wakeup* signaled=0 cookie=0x7fa4f924
0009: get_process_info( handle=0x48 )
0009: get_process_info() = 0 { pid=000b, ppid=0008, exit_code=0, priority=32, process_affinity=1, system_affinity=1, peb=0x7beff420 }
0009: find_atom( table=(nil), name=L"IME" )
0009: find_atom() = OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND { atom=0000 }
0009: terminate_process( handle=0xffffffff, exit_code=0 )
000a: *killed* exit_code=0
0009: terminate_process() = 0 { self=1 }
0009: *killed* exit_code=0
/root/.wine/system.reg: saving key \\Machine
/root/.wine/userdef.reg: saving key \\User\\.Default
/root/.wine/user.reg: saving key \\User\\root
wineserver: exiting (pid=29000)

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