Automatic ANSI<>Unicode message translation

Filip Navara navaraf at
Wed Jul 27 04:22:22 CDT 2005

Troy Rollo wrote:

>On Wednesday 27 July 2005 18:40, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
>>>>I also disassembled
>>>kernel32.dll to see how it populated CP_ACP (if I recall correctly it
>>>populated it from a registry key under either HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG or
>>>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, so perhaps a change in the registry could cause the
>>>same behaviour as a process calling SetCPGlobal, but threads within a
>>>single process can never have a different CP_ACP).
>>I don't believe it, especially since SetThreadLocale exists.
>Then I suggest you test it yourself. I already have. SetThreadLocale affects 
>other stuff, but not the code page. The code page is not part of the locale. 
>You'd think it was, but it's not.
Actually it affects the CP_THREAD_ACP code page, but not CP_ACP.

- Filip

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