winefile: switch to UNICODE mode

Marcelo Duarte marcelotduarte at
Mon Jun 20 16:04:01 CDT 2005

Martin Fuchs escreveu:

>switch winefile to UNICODE mode
I don´t understand something or winefile can use Michael Jung´s unixfs 
namespace extension?

>+/* functions in unixcalls.c */
>+extern void call_getcwd(char* buffer, size_t len);
>+extern void* call_opendir(const char* path);
>+extern int call_readdir(void* pdir, char* name, unsigned* pinode);
>+extern void call_closedir(void* pdir);
>+extern int call_stat(
>+	const char* path, int* pis_dir,
>+	unsigned long* psize_low, unsigned long* psize_high,
>+	time_t* patime, time_t* pmtime,
>+	unsigned long* plinks
> #endif

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